Endoscopic Surgery In Children

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Endoscopic Surgery in children

Due to their immature immune system and their close proximity with other children at school and kindergarten, children often suffer from upper respiratory tract inflammations. The upper respiratory tract is a complex system, characterised by the interconnection of its organs; thus, any inflammation can extend to neighbouring organs, causing complications.

Causes of sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common problem in children. It can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, inflammations of the teeth, anatomical abnormalities in the nasal septum or the middle nasal meatus and turbinate hypertrophy. In most cases, it follows after a common cold or flu or crisis of allergic rhinitis. When the intense production of mucus due to colds or rhinitis lasts several days, it causes swelling of the nasal mucosa by obstructing the passage of air to the maxillary sinuses. When the obstruction persists for a long time, the symptoms persist and get worse, leading to chronic sinusitis.

Effects of sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis has many effects, causing fatigue and reduced well-being for the child. The most common effects are that it leads to frequent ear infections and tonsillitis, as well as lower respiratory tract infections that can even lead to asthma.

Diagnosis using endoscopes

Sinusitis can be diagnosed in detail at the clinic, using endoscopic tools. Often, MRI imaging may be necessary. The diagnosis shows the extent of the inflammation precisely.


Sinusitis is initially treated with medication. When the symptoms persist despite medication and the endoscopy and imaging studies document the existence of chronic sinusitis, the indication for surgical treatment arises.

Surgical advances in paranasal sinus surgery

With the development of technology, surgery for sinusitis is now done without incisions, by endoscopy, using a camera allowing high precision in manipulations, thanks to zooming, lighting and the use of neuronavigation. Another advantage of endoscopic surgery is that, at the same time, the same operation can correct a deviated septum, nasal turbinates and polyps (if these exist) painlessly, without swelling and bruising.

Postoperative course

As the operation is effected with a highly functional method, the child is in excellent condition postoperatively. It returns home on the following day, and, always provided it follows the doctor’s instructions, it can directly return to its school and activities. There is a direct improvement in all annoying symptoms (headache, purulent discharges, stuffiness, cough) and the cavities are completely healed one month after surgery. When the only solution is surgery, it is important for parents to decide on this promptly, to avoid complications arising from surrounding organs, such as the eyes, brain or ears.

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Head & Neck Otolaryngologist - Pedriatric ENT
Scientific Associate of Ygeia - Mitera Hospital