Microlaryngoscopy in children
Vocal chord surgery concerns operations for the management of benign vocal cord conditions. In children, it mainly concerns cases of nodules and papillomas. Thanks to the use of a microscope and a special laryngoscope, Microlaryngoscopy allows these operations to be performed endoscopically, accurately (thanks to zooming) and without incisions. The diagnosis is made easily and painlessly at the clinic with flexible or rigid endoscopes, which can be connected to our monitors, offering a clear picture of the existing lesion.
In some cases, an even more specialised examination, called stroboscopy, can be used. Usually, treatment is initially conservative and includes care and medication for pre-disposing conditions such as allergies or Gastroesophageal Reflux, as well as a correct diet and avoidance of irritants. However, when this treatment is not effective, surgery may be required. The determining factor for taking the right decision is the doctor’s extensive experience and expertise. The contemporary surgical management of these lesions in some cases uses various types of laser (CO2- KTP) that are much less traumatic for the sensitive vocal cord mucosa and provide better voice quality postoperatively and faster healing, which is very important for children.
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