Beautiful nose and proper breathing with the most innovative techniques.
Today’s modern trend in rhinoplasty, follows natural lines in harmony with each face and the goal is to improve the nose’s functionality, by intervening at multiple anatomical elements of the nose, such as the nasal septum, the turbinates, the nostrils and the bridge. With modern techniques, the endoscopic correction of the septum, the turbinates and all the developmental anomalies of the nose, by using magnification and lighting, affords the ability to radically and accurately surgically correct all anatomical structures that take part in pathological breathing. The trend today is to remove the pathology, leaving the nose’s support unaffected.
If necessary, transplants can be used, particularly in cases of revision surgery in patients after a failed operation. These can be taken from the cartilage of the septum or the ear flap, a simple, effective procedure, without scars. The use of transplants aims to properly and completely support the nose, so there is a radical restoration of all the causes that create nasal breathing difficulty.
Functional rhinoplasty can be done with a closed technique with internal incisions or with an open technique without scars. The advantages of the new techniques is that the patient has a much quicker recovery and healing postop. A crucial advantage of this method is that the patient is not in pain, does not swell or bruise and postop can return immediately to work – in young, healthy subjects, without even having to stay in the hospital.
Because our life has demanding rhythms and the quality of our daily life, regarding wellness and positive attitude, plays a major role, it’s important that we don’t suffer needlessly. It’s not enough to have a beautiful nose, it must also be functional. An operation can take care of both.
ANATOLI PATARIDOU | ENT Head & Neck Surgeon | Kids & Adults Scientific Associate of HYGEIA – MITERA Hospital