Head & Neck Otolaryngologist - Pediatric ENT






Sinusitis appears in the winter, mainly with symptoms such as a fuzzy head and “blocked” ears. This is often accompanied by a foul-smelling discharge from the nose or pain between the eyes, across the entire face or in the back part of the skull, as well as persistent coughing.

When is it necessary to visit the ENT doctor?

When cold-associated symptoms persist for more than 5-7 days or patients suffer from high fevers, thick and mucus-like discharges, swelling and pain around the eyes.

What are the predisposing factors of sinusitis?

There are many reasons that someone may have a predisposition to develop sinusitis; a deviated septum, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis, or inflammation of the surrounding tissue (adenoids, tonsils, etc.) just to name a few. Another important factor is malnutrition.

When should a child be tested?

If antibiotic treatments do not have the expected results, the ENT doctor will ask you to proceed with a series of blood tests, culture of nasal secretions or in some cases, an MRI.

Is an imaging diagnosis possible on young children?

It is important that parents know that the cavities of our sinuses are visible after three years of age. This means that X rays are unnecessary before the age of four, because they cannot be of any use in the diagnostic process.

What are some precautions for the protection of children?

They should learn to wash their hands regularly and to cough on their elbow, not their hands. In addition, a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals, good sleeping habits and regular exercise help shield their immune system and protect them from viruses and bacteria. Of course a sick child must stay home, not only because there is a risk of getting worse but also of getting other children sick.

What happens when sinusitis persists, despite treatment with antibiotics?

When the inflammation of the sinuses persists despite the appropriate medical treatment and is confirmed with endoscopic and imaging examination, then this is a clear indication for surgical treatment. With the development of technology, surgical treatment for sinusitis is performed without incisions, endoscopically, with the use of a high precision camera featuring state of the art zooming, lighting and navigation features. It is important to note that when the only solution is surgical treatment, parents need to take action in time to prevent complications that may arise in the surrounding organs.





If you ever consider how important it is to feel well during the day, especially in demanding times when we wish that the day had 48 hours, then you should realize what a major role proper and unobstructed breathing through the nose plays, because it is one of the most decisive factors for the proper oxygenation of the body. Our nose is a very important organ that filters the air we breathe from dust, incoming viruses, bacteria, and it also heats and moistens it in order for it to be ready for the lungs.

What is the deviated nasal septum?

The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages, and it consists of a bony part and a cartilaginous part. The deviated septum blocks the normal passage of air through the nose. The result- apart from the common feeling of stuffiness, which the patient gets used to because he doesn’t have a comparative measure-is for some symptoms such as fatigue, headache, frequent (dry) cough, problems with the ears etc. to become permanent. I have operated on many patients that suffered from panic attacks and also had a deviated nasal septum. After surgery they realized that the panic attacks had not been caused by stress, but from a lack of air.

What is the latest surgical treatment?

With endoscopic surgery all the damaged anatomical areas can be repaired, especially the posterior bony part, which is not visible with any other method. The surgery may be carried out along with other procedures to treat chronic sinusitis, bleeding, to correct sleep apnea, remove nasal polyps and turbinectomy. What are the advantages There is no pain, swelling or bruising and the patient can return almost immediately to work postoperatively. Healthy, young people in particular, do not normally have to be hospitalized at all.

What would you advise our readers?

In terms of well-being and positive mood, the quality of everyday life is of primary importance. Consequently, it is vital, if we can find a drastic solution to some problems, to take the decision immediately. As for the deviated nasal septum, I would like to share what my patients ask me postoperatively: “Doctor, is this how other people breathe”?


levante – Water sports for adrenaline and health!


Water sports for adrenaline and health!

Water sports combine fun and exercise in the most enjoyable way. However, what few people know is, that engaging in sea sports has a beneficial effect on chronic diseases of the upper respiratory system and that, children and teenagers who spend their summer doing water sports, build from an early age a very strong immune system. It’s never too late to discover the obvious and hidden benefits of water sports and incorporate them  into our lives. Especially otolaryngology has increased patients with allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, polyps, etc. Also, the embodiment of anxiety has increased, with the most frequent symptoms being vertigo, headache, difficulty swallowing, and unsteadiness. Despite the development in diagnosis and treatment, either pharmaceutical or surgical with new endoscopic techniques, it is certain what Hippocrates said thousands of years ago, that the body has the ability, to a large extent, to heal itself. Windsurfing and water skiing are two sports that boost adrenaline and enthusiasm, because they increase the levels of endorphins, which act as natural antidepressants in the brain and im-mediately our mood changes. At the same time, during contact with water, we make the most natural nasal washes, which heal chronic conditions of the upper respiratory or help to keep them leveled, without complications and pronounced symptoms. Let the energy reserves that we will get from our summer vacations, be the reason for having a more holistic reaction to the increase in morbidity with a radical change in the daily lifestyle, in terms of nutrition, sports, and management of our lives.

ANATOLI PATARIDOU | ENT Head & Neck Surgeon | Kids & Adults Scientific Associate of HYGEIA - MITERA Hospital


THALASSEA-Get Some Fresh Air


Revive yourself by breathing properly.

If you ever consider how important it is to feel well during the day, especially in demanding times when we wish that the day had 48 hours, then you should realize what a major role proper and unobstructed breathing through the nose plays, because it is one of the most decisive factors for the proper oxygenation of the body. Our nose is a very important organ that filters the air we breathe from dust, incoming viruses, bacteria, and it also heats and moistens it in order for it to be ready for the lungs.

What is the deviated nasal septum

The nasal septum is the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages, and it consists of a bony part and a cartilaginous part. The deviated septum blocks the normal passage of air through the nose. The resultapart from the common feeling of stuffiness, which the patient gets used to because he doesn’t have a comparative measure-is for some symptoms such as fatigue, headache, frequent (dry) cough, problems with the ears etc. to become permanent. I have operated on many patients that suffered from panic attacks and also had a deviated nasal septum. After surgery they realized that the panic attacks had not been caused by stress, but from a lack of air.

What is the latest surgical treatment

With endoscopic surgery all the damaged anatomical areas can be repaired, especially the posterior bony part, which is not visible with any other method. The surgery may be carried out along with other procedures to treat chronic sinusitis, bleeding, to correct sleep apnea, remove nasal polyps and turbinectomy.

What are the advantages

There is no pain, swelling or bruising and the patient can return almost immediately to work postoperatively. Healthy, young people in particular, do not normally have to be hospitalized at all.

What would you advise our readers

In terms of well-being and positive mood, the quality of everyday life is of primary importance. Consequently, it is vital, if we can find a drastic solution to some problems, to take the decision immediately. As for the deviated nasal septum, I would like to share what my patients ask me postoperatively: “Doctor, is this how other people breathe”?  


2BOARD-Sleep Well



What is snoring

It is a respiratory sound generated during sleep, due to the vibration of the walls of the oropharynx due to partial obstruction in the air passages. Snoring does not stay constant, either in intensity nor in effects; it develops and from an innocent occurrence it can become hazardous and may even lead to apnoea. Apnoea is the cessation of breathing during sleep for at least 10 seconds, and can cause significant damage to the heart and the circulatory system, such as hypertension and arrhythmia.


Morning drowsiness, headaches throughout the day, fatigue, behavioural disorders, hypertension, arrhythmia and in children, nocturnal urination, concentration problems, bulimia and impact on growth.


In small children, a full endoscopic test will establish the presence of enlarged adenoids and tonsils and any rare cases, such as choanal atresia, all of which require surgical treatment. In adults, the tests confirm the presence of a deviated septum, turbinate hypertrophy, polyps, large tonsils, long palatine uvula, soft palate hypertrophy and bizarrely shaped epiglottis, which will help determine the type of surgical treatment required. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, some patients may undergo further examinations that include nocturnal oximetry, sleep endoscopy (to determine the level of obstruction) and even a sleep study.

Treatment of snoring-apnoea

Treatment can be conservative with the application of positive airway pressure mask or surgery, or a combination. Latest research shows in the case of problems involving snoring and light apnoea, surgical treatment with pharyngoplasty or surgery at the base of the tongue, the epiglottis or the nose can give permanent solutions. Even in more serious cases, there is improvement in the application of the airway pressure mask and the patient’s daily performance. In addition, because many patients give up on the mask, if they undergo surgery then that ensures an important degree of improvement.

Developments in the surgical treatment of apnoea

Endoscopic surgery ensures the permanent and painless improvement of nasal problems, with high levels of safety for patients. The use of the Da Vinci robotic system for tongue hypertrophy surgery, with its 3-dimentional camera, has clear advantages for the patient, including preventing tracheostomy, better healing and easier swallowing.  


Patient Testimonials

“Excellent doctor. She operated on my tonsils and diaphragm, and for the first time in 32 years I can breathe freely from both my nostrils. Thank you very much doctor!! »

Arsenis Prelorentzos

"After the polyp surgery, which I constantly postponed out of fear, my life changed completely. After 5 years and everything is perfect!! "

Βασιλική Ζωτου

"An excellent doctor with a deep knowledge of her subject. I have been visiting ENT doctors regularly for the last four or five years. I single out Mrs. Pataridou not only for the knowledge and guidance she gives for the solution of every problem but also for her ethos and dignity! "

Themis Pi

